Steven Paul Jobs was born in California, on February 24th of 1955 i died in Los Angels in 2011. He was a bussinesman of the american technology. Jobs founded Apple Comany and was the major shareholder of The Walt Disney Company.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14th of 1984. He has founded Facebook, a social network with more than five milion of users. He studied in Harvard, where he studied pschycology and technology and was part of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Frat.
Serguéi Mijáilovich Brin is a russian bussinessman known by being the creator of Google. He was born on August 21st of 1973 in Moscow, his mother is part of the NASA. He has lived in the United States since he was six years old.
Larry Page was born on March 26th of 1973 in Michigan, E.E.U.U. He founded Google Inc.
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